Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Music is good.

The other day I spent some quality time checking out some Tooth & Nail bands the other day, let me give you the low down.

Me Without You
The song I downloaded started out promising, then turned into generic hardcore. Too bad.

I didn't really know what to expect when I downloaded the (unfortunatly) only song they had up, but let me tell you, it freaking rules.Their cd "Destination: Beautiful" Comes out febuary 25th, and will be one of the many, many compact discs I'll be buying that come out in Feb. and March. The song is very pretty, it kinda has an airy sound to it, which is something I enjoy alot.

Poor Old Lu
They've been around awhile, but I've never really listened to them. It's not too bad I must say, but I haven't made up my mind about his voice. It's definetly rock though.

Slow Coming Day
They're sort of emo rock I guess. Not bad by any means, they just didn't stick out to me much.

Watashi Wa
The only song they have up is a rough mix of a song right now, but it's not bad. It's sorta poppy, and it also has a touch of 80's. Not punk like I expected. I kinda like it.

Bon Voyage
Now wait, before you stop and say "Pistol! That's a girl pop band! What were you thinking?!?", let me say two words: Jason Martin. If you didn't know (which I didn't until I read a review on Decapolis), Bon Voyage is: Jason Martin, Julie Martin and Travis Zimmerman (I have no idea). Ronnie Martin also provides some synthes I hear. Anyway, since Jason does all the guitars (and writes the lyrics too I think), it sounds like Starflyer, only more poppy, due to Julie's vocals. I'm going to just say right now, that I enjoy it very much. Girl singer or not. She actually goes really well with Jason's guitars. Good stuff.

There you have it, although bands say they suck to be on, Tooth & Nail has some sweet bands.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

No time for dilly-dallying

I just bought a box of Zours. I love Zours. Zours is the one candy to rule them all. I'd be happy and content if Zours were the only candy ever ate. I'd be happy and content if Zours were the only food I ever ate. I'm going to go eat more Zours now. Bye.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

I was thinking the other day (Yes, it's that time of year), and it occured to me I haven't talked about video games lately (Almost a whole month!), so now, I will.

Super Monkey Ball 2
I grabbed this one a few weeks back when it was on sale. To sum things up, it's twice as good as the original. It's got twice the mini-games, and the old ones are even better than before! Some people don't seem to enjoy the single player mode, (which by the way has one of the most bizzare stories ever) but I like it way better than the first game.
Rating - Fun

No One Lives Forever 2 Demo
I've only played the demo of this one, but I think it's probably the best single player first person shooter since System Shock 2. It's got a really good AI system where enemies act more like real people would, say for instance someone spots you, but you run away and take a left at a fork in the road. The enemy didn't see whether you took a left or right, so instead of magically know where you are, they stop at the fork and get confused. There are a bunch of fun weapons, with everything to swords, to guns, to exploding cats! Not only is this game fun, it's got a great sense of humor too! Alot of times if guards run into eachother in the hall, they'll start talking, and hilarity ensues. Anyway, this game is fun, and I'd like to buy it.

Mmm... I just took a break to enjoy food.
Rating - Tasty

As I was eating I was also watching The Screen Savers on TechTv. I enjoy that show. It almost doesn't seem like a show, because the people on it are having fun, and sometimes things don't go as planned, and hilarity ensues. It's Good.

Phantasy Star Online
This one came out a couple weeks ago, and I wasn't too terribly excited about at first. Don't ask me why, I just wasn't. Then I played it at Tan-Tan's. The next day I played it again. For eight hours. The day after that, I bought it. I enjoy it immensly, there's nothing better than building up characters and getting stuffs.
Rating - Absurdly addicting fun

That's all you get for now, I need more blogging resources for later.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Ham-Hams unite!

This has got to be the wierdest thing ever. Seriously, if there was some sort of award for weirdest thing ever, this would surely win.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

I wish people would update blogs more often. I'm bored and don't have anything better to do than read other people's ramblings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Well, the ground is now enjoying a nice layer of snow. This is something that really makes me happy. I'm not really sure why, I can't really think of any fond memories that have to do with snow that stand out to me in any way. No more than any other seasons anyway. None the less, I love the snow and the winter time. Now, some of you might be thinking "Golly, what an idiot!", and that's ok I guess. Just look on the bright side, at least you won't have to listen to me complain about it all the time.

I discovered an amazing tool just now, it's called the "Enter" key, and seems to work well for seperating paragraphs. I think I'll start using it once in awhile.

I picked up UT 2003 the other day for 30 bucks. I wish Target would lose my games more often. Anyway, I haven't been able to play it much, because I allowed myself to be taken over by Warcraft 3. I did try and play with actual people earlier, but gave up due to the fact my ping was 999. It sure looks pretty though. So does the snow.

My mom is making applecrisp now, which compliments the snow nicely, now all I need is a fireplace, and... other things.

Here are more song titles for the purpose of making this longer:

No Stars Tonight
Sorrow In The Air
It Hurts All Over
Your Painting For Me
Deep Blue Morning
Why Would You Want To?
Home Is Where The Heart Breaks
(I Am) Plan B
Can't Hold It Against You
Sick Again
The Best I Deserve
Nothing Is Better Than I Hoped
I Don't Mind At All
By All Accounts Things Should Be Fine
The Time That Makes Me Happy
Sparkle St.

Can you imagine if all those were actual songs, and not just names? I could release four or five cds! That would be pretty cool... Unless they all sucked, which probably wouldn't be very cool.

Also, could anyone who reads this take a moment and pray for me every now and then? I'm having a dickens of a time trying to figure out what to do when I'm done with school, among other things. I'd like to just play music and video games, but then I would have no way of supporting either habit... Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read me. Don't forget to "Read the words I didn't write!" Wow, that was kinda stupid.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Bitter rant ahead
Ok, David Bloom is a freaking idiot. To quote Tycho: "The video in question refers to "investigators" who are looking into a possible gaming connection, and I'm wondering if these guys have ever investigated anything before, or if this is like the first thing they have investigated. Maybe they took a break from investigating and they're just kind of getting into the swing of it again, because a death tarot card that says he's God on it has no sensible correlation to videogames. I'll grant that games have firearms in them, though. But unless you're trying to kill people on your computer, they aren't much good for anything. You have to wonder if it's even worth debating an issue like this with people who don't know if something is real or not." That seems to sum it up pretty well. Personally, I think this guy has been watching too many infomercials. You know, the ones with all the "psychics", and their tarot cards. That has to be it. Moronic.

Monday, October 07, 2002

I got my bass wednesday. I like it, gun metal blue is a pretty rad color, and the pearloid pickguard suits it nicely. Oh, and it sounds good too. Dang it, somebody I don't know just logged into messenger, and for some reason whenever that happens, my computer decides to make a high pitched whine that make me want to die. I wish nobody would ever log in again, that would fix my problem. I wish I had a capo. Well, I guess I do have a capo, it's just sitting in Minneapolis. Too bad for me. We practiced for rock service today, that was a good time that would've been better with a drummer. It'll be better sunday. I would appreciate it if everyone who reads this (I'm talking as though people I don't know read this business) would come to 924 N 11th St for the Rock Service at 7:00 pm sunday the 13th of October. Thank you. I've been working on a new song that nobody will probably ever get to hear... The thing that seperates this one from the rest of my songs is that it doesn't suck. Dang it! Somebody logged on again. I wish they'd stop that. Well, looks like I'm done typing random unrelated thoughts, have a nice night.

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Well, the verdict is in. Shepherd is one of the best bands ever, and I stand by my beliefs that Ronnie Martin rules all. Stop by his site and enjoy the mp3. In other news, my bass didn't come today, because my payment was declined in the first place... You'd think if Musician's Friend could handle sending me 3 emails telling me about how my order worked out fine, they could've manged to let me in on that little tidbit. Oh well, it'll be here on thursday or friday when I'm at work I'm sure. I'm enjoying a good dose of Denison Witmer right now, do yourself a favor and listen to his songs, then buy his cds, and go to his shows. That way he'll get popular, and I'll be able to find tabs for songs other than Stations. See, everybody wins there. My list of songs has doubled since last time, if you thought the other ones were sad, watch out for this batch.

Leave You Better
Get By
The Endless Storm
As I Wish It Was
The Longest Day
The Day You Went Home
It Was Nice Being Your Friend
Standing Here In Black And White
Tired Today
A Personal Favor
Everyone, Everyone
Long Walk To Your House
Two Ways To Go
Cry If You Have To
Surprise Me
No Reason Not To
Drowning In Apathy
Happy Going Nowhere
Read The Words I Didn't Write *Working on this*
Together We Make Sense
A Nostalgic Time Of Year
The Happiest Day Of Your Life
Lonely In Every Way
Walk With You
Something We Can Do Without

Yeah, when you spend all your time sitting around the house doing nothing, it's hard to avoid getting emo'd out. I've been trying to write more songs lately, but I don't seem to be getting any better at playing guitar, or writing songs for that matter, so that sucks. I am getting better at playing bass I think though, so that's good. *Serious messege ahead* I've been thinking lately (and talking to my peeps) about holding things against people. What advantage does it bring? No advantage, that's what. All it really does is keep you from the person, and from The Lord as well. The only reason not to fix things is because you're a coward really. Of course, this is all easier than done, but thankfully it's possible. So good luck (Me). *End serious messege* On a brighter note, I enjoyed a pile of boneless buffalo wings, which were some of the spiciest things ever, and I when you combine that with 3 tall Shirly Temples, that makes for an unpleasant feeling. Ok, so I guess it wasn't that much brighter, but the wings were awesome. Ok, I'm going to go to bed now, because I'm freaking tired. G'night.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

This excites me to the point of giddyness.
"Update on Ronnie Martin's side band "Shepherd".
The hotly anticipated debut album for Ronnie's new side project, Shepherd, which was recorded last February, has been passed over by Tooth and Nail Records, who originally intended to release it this year. The album, which was recorded and mixed by indie rock mainstay Chris Colbert and also featured Frank Lenz on drums, has been put into limbo at this point in time. The finished record, which was produced by Ronnie, who also played all the guitars and basslines, represented a radical departure from the pure synthesizer sound of Joy Electric. Considered by Ronnie as some of the "best songs he has ever written", the album features painfully stripped down production with very minimal guitar lines to go with the beautiful and melancholy songwriting. Decisions are being made as to where to go with the project at this time. A self release is a possible option. Stay tuned for more information."

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

These are the words of Conrad. They are the truth. "You wanna hear a terrible name for a song? 'Sk8er Boi'." Now that that's taken care of, I'd like to share something with you. Often times when I am working, I will hear someone say something over the walkie-talkie about a "Tanner". When this happens I think to myself "Who is Tanner?", and I contemplate this for a few moments with a puzzled expresion on my face until I realize that it's my buddy Maddog! Then I smile, knowing that I have a buddy named Maddog, even though people sometimes get confused and call him "Tanner".

Sunday, September 15, 2002

The return of rock.
That's what I experienced last night, and let me tell you, it was glorius! Rising Action and Love are having a heated battle right now for my most anticipated cd of the year, and it's close, but Rising Action is getting a bit of a lead after last night. It's sunday, and here I am, getting all emo'd (made-up word courtesy of me) out again. You'd think I'd learn. Oh well, maybe I'll just go to Wal-Mart now.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Go and read Adam's blog for some encouragement. It was for me anyway. It IS kinda hard to be serious reading something out of a tuxedo though... I think it's good to be serious sometimes... Not all the time, not even most of the time for that matter, but every now and then it's a good thing, otherwise you lose touch. Anyway, I got the new Blindside cd today, and I like it way better than I thought I would. There's not very much screaming, and when there is, it's not usually too bad, and the lyrics are great. It also got me thinking... I think that for me personally, I should listen to a bit more christian music. Now, I'm not saying that secular music is bad at all. The thing with alot of secular music is, it's depressing. Christian music can be depressing too, but there's always a messege of hope too. I just know that for me, I really absorb music, so if I listen to alot of Dashboard or something, I get bummed out, and we all know the hilarity that ensues when I get bummed out. When I listen to things like Fine China, or Blindside (The only christian cds I've gotten lately), they usually make me think and stuff, as opposed to just bumming me out. Anyway, that's something that I have to do, I don't know if you do or not, but it could help, who knows. Ok, there's my dose of seriousness, have a nice day.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

I was just eating some Butterfinger BB's, and I wasn't really enjoying them. Sitting here eating them I was thinking to myself "These sure are crunchy, they're almost crunchy to the point of not being good. They hurt my teeth", but then I got to the last 3, and when I ate one, it was all soft and wonderful. Then I had another, and it was even better! I then thought to myself "I really shouldn't take my chances eating that last one, I know I'll be disapointed because there's no way any Butterfinger BB could be as good as that last one". What did I do you ask? I ate it like the idiot I am, and it sucked. Bad.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

I'd like to extend a big "thank you" to everyone in the world who's always doing things for my sake, it really means alot, especially when people who don't even know me do things for my sake. Thank you all.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Whew, I fixed it. Thanks Destroy!
Yikes, something in my blog has been screwed up. Help me Destroyer!

Sunday, September 01, 2002

Holy monkies that sucks. I had a big blog typed up last night, and the internet quit working. Now my wonderful blog that contained all the answers to life is gone. Sucks to be humankind.

Friday, August 30, 2002

It's a good thing I'm a christian, otherwise I'd probably be questioning the exsistence of good in the universe right now... There is no reason in the whole world that Eminem should've beat The White Stripes for video of the year in the MTV awards. Actually, if I wasn't a christian, I'd probably like Eminem. No, now that I think about it, I didn't like him then either.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

"What's new on The Pistol front?"

That's what people ask me (When I say people I of course mean nobody). I respond to them by saying things like "I really enjoy Howie Day, I got his compact disc for the low low price of 8 bucks!", I also might respond by saying "I'm saving my money to buy a new bass, since I won't be able to play the church's bass for much longer". They then reply by saying "How are you going to buy a bass when you're spending all you money on Howie Day and Coldplay? I respond to that question by punching them in the face.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

One thing people (I) should learn is that things don't always work out just the way you'd like, even if it seems like it would be wrong for them not to work out that way. When things like this happen, people (I) always have to blame something or someone, even if there's nothing to blame. That's another thing, there isn't always something to blame, sometimes things just don't work. Also, sometimes the blame is your own, and this is what people (I) accept the least. I'm not trying to sound smart, this was just something I was thinking about.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Here's an updated list of songs

My Every Battle
Don't Tell Me What I Want To Hear *I think I'll write this next*
My Quiet Life
Don't Stop Until You Win
Quit And Die
November 12th
You Should Have Called
Sundays Are Boring
You're Already Gone (And I Miss You) *Done*
The Lonely Road
Movies Make Me Sad
You're Welcome Here
Sometimes Things Are Bad
I Should Forgive You
Slow Days
Gazing At Fire (And Thinking Of You)
I Didn't Mean To Ruin Things

There ya go, you can try to figure out what they are about, and post your guesses on the messege board if you have nothing better to do.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

School starts tomorrow, how much does that suck? Let me tell you, it sucks alot, that's how much. Somebody needs to invite some sort of ethernet port that goes into our hand, or arm or something, that way we can just download knowledge while we sleep, that would rule.

Saturday, August 24, 2002

I enjoy things that are cheap, like half price appetizers, and free pop. On that note, Jordan Culver is the best server in the whole wide world.

I might go to a festival in SD next weekend, that is if I can get someone to switch saturday with me... Pray that I can, otherwise there's gonna be trouble.

Maddog is playing guitar a few feet away from me, and Air John has a small mountain of change. Air John just did something with the phone, and I yelled at him like I was really mad, when in reality, I wasn't. It was funny.

I finished writing "You're Already Gone (And I Miss You)" which you may recognize from a few blogs back. The musical part isn't too bad, the stuff Maddog does is good, but unfortunately lyricly, it sucks. Oh well, maybe I'll ge better at writing songs, maybe not. Who cares, it's something to do. If I ever make a decent song, I'll record it and throw it on here for fun.

Monday, August 19, 2002

Hey, I just remembered something that rules... I got Dave Mirra 2 for my Gamecube at Target (where I am currently employed by the way) for the low low price of $14.30, good times I tell ya, good times.

Sometimes I listen to too much emo, and get all sad, especially on sundays, when I don't have anything to do, and I'm bored and tired. Hilarity then insues, as I mope about the house feeling sorry for myself and running into door frames because I don't have the heart to avoid them, and the I get so bored that there's nothing else to do but sleep, and when I wake up I feel like the whole world went by me while I was asleep and I get upset. I'm weird like that, but it's pretty funny to think about.

I really like to play Max Payne. It's a very enjoyable game.

I got Aliens vs. Predetor 2 for the low low price of $10 at Target too, that was a few days ago though.

I've been going to work on writing "You're Already Gone (And I Miss You)", with the aid of Maddog. I might change the name to something like "I Shouldn't Be Concerned With You" though, either that, or I'll just make a songs for each title.

Oh, I almost forgot!
Song Formula:
1. Think of cool title.
2. Apply meaning to title
3. Apply chords to meaning.
4. Apply (crappy) words to chords.
5. Apply rock to chords.
That's how I write songs. Try it sometime.

I hope you liked my completly random thoughts. It's fun to write them down, try it sometime.
The following qoute is one of the funniest things I have ever read in my entire life, get ready. Ok, here it comes. "If a 30-second piece of media can make an individual want to tear his eyes out with a rusty melon scooper, there must be something fundamentally wrong with it." There. You can thank Maddog for that one.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

These may or may not become songs at some point in my life:

My Every Battle
Don't Tell Me What I Want To Hear
My Quiet Life
Don't Stop Until You Win
Quit And Die
November 12th
You Should Have Called
Sundays Are Boring
You're Already Gone (And I Miss You)
The Lonely Road
Movies Make Me Sad

Well, there ya go, that's probably the deepest thing I've posted on here, have fun with it (and don't rip me off, jerk.)

Friday, August 02, 2002

The Warcraft 3 collectors edition is on it's way to my house as I type this. I need to go shake with excitement now.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

I got a freaking new computer, it rules, end of story.

Friday, July 19, 2002

Mmm... Brains...
There was a "study" recently that said that video games turn kids in to mindless zombies, well here's a response by a gamer/developer who's obviously anything but a mindless zombie. Read it, it's good for you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

I've been playing Warcraft 3 lately (thanks to Air Jon and Destroyer) and I think I can sum up my opinion of it in one word and no more then one word... Perfect.

Thursday, July 04, 2002

Life is not fair.
You want to know what's wrong with the world today? I'll tell you what's wrong with the world today. The fact that some little punk should get the game that I've been waiting for for almost half my freaking life makes me question the exsistence of good in this world.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Studio Diaries Rule.
Let me tell you, whoever first sat down and said "You know, it might be fun to make a journal about recording our new cd, and talk about other stuff we like too." is a genius. The Juliana Theory diary is quite the enjoyable read. It rules to read about how they're going about recording the different songs, and what kind of music they like, and how bored they are. I've also been enjoying Ronnie Martin's journal. Ronnie seems to be a really smart and interesting kinda guy, and I think we could all benefit from reading his thoughts.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

sorry people of the world wide web i have not posted because of a little thing called....................guitar! you see friends when you owen a guitar thinks are awesome very awesome rock this rock that . be sure to ask for a guitar for you b-day cause you might just get it .toall my friends of the sea i say whoopedy dooo. "if your heads not rocken your in the wrong place"

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Today I'd like to direct you to the mp3 page of Noise Ratchet. Why? Because they rock.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I've been listening to lots of mp3s that I like lately, so don't be surprised when I overwhelm you with music. Anyway, today I'm going to highlight Stainless. They have two new mp3s up on their site, and they're pretty sweet (the songs, not the guys), have no worries though, I can assure you they haven't gone soft or anything.

Monday, June 10, 2002

I like mp3s.
I especially like The Fine China mp3s. They're absurdly awesome, it's like part Starflyer, and part Smiths only without the 80s singing, and seeing as how the 80s singing is what prevents me from getting into The Smiths as much as I should, this is like a dream come true!

I also like blogs.
I especially like Maddog's blog, it's genius really.

I also like nonsense.
I especially like Bavis' nonsense. Read it. Over and over again. Memorize it even!

P.S. Sorry if I worried anyone with my recent posts, I didn't actually turn into a zombie. Again, I'm sorry if I scared you.

Saturday, June 08, 2002

Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Rumors going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the time now. I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. What the heck's happening to me?

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Found another big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up dragging my foot all the way to the dog's pen. They were quiet all day, which is weird. Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way of getting back at me for not feeding them the last three days. If anyone finds out, I'll have my head handed to me.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn't need to wear the suit anymore. All I wanna do is sleep.

Sunday, June 02, 2002

I've been wearing the darn space suit since yesterday. My skin's grimy and feels itchy all over. The stupid dogs have been looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em.

Saturday, June 01, 2002

At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the crap out of me, too. He was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told me to put it on. Said there'd been an accident in the basement lab. I just knew something like this would happen. Those guys in research never sleep, even on holiday.

Thursday, May 30, 2002

One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. It looks like a skinned gorilla. Feeding instructions were to give it live animals. When I threw in a pig the creature seemed to play with it...tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before it actually started eating.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Played poker with Scott and Alias from Security and Steve from Research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating. Scumbag.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Well, I'm off to bring home the bacon. Mmm... bacon...

Saturday, May 25, 2002

You want to talk about rock? Ok, we'll have a nice discussion about a band named The Juliana Theory. I just got to listen to 3 songs from their upcoming album, and let me tell you something, they rock. And not in the generic "rock" sense either, I mean, it's just some rad straight up rock! Do yourself a favor and listen to the new songs!

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Too much information!
Seriosly, there is way too much info on the "net" right now, and not in a "yuck, I didn't want to hear that" kinda way (well, there's plenty of that too), but in more of a "whoa! this is way too much stuff to read/look at!", and it's all because of the amazing wonder that is E3! I think I'd happily trade my left leg just to go there, I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want to go and get a first look/play at the biggest games that are coming out? No one, that's who.

On a weirder note, I had a crazy dream last night. Somebody was getting married (I have no idea who), so Bordon, Mr. Tuff, Crazy Mel and myself were like, "uh-oh, we better find a new place to live!" So we went to Watertown, and moved into a house just like mine, except it was painted like it was dark all the time, with a bunch of shadows and such just painted everywhere, and there was a bar in the middle of my living room. Then Aaroschu appeared out of nowhere, and He and Mel we're like "We better get some supplies!" and they left. So then we we're sitting around and Mr. Tuff died, so Bordon, Maddog, Destroyer, Lenny (don't ask me where they came from) and myself decided to go to the abandoned mine to bury him, once we got there we had to run from some skeletons, and then we made it to the burial grounds. Then we had to take Mr. Tuff's stuff and arrange it around the room, so that the door would open. As we were doing that Lenny said "Oh great, now Bordon's dead too!" So then we took his skeleton and put it in a big bottle so that he wouldn't chase after us, and then we shrunk down the bottle for good measure, and arranged him with the other stuff, but that set off a trap in the to room we were in, and the whole mine started crumbling! So we ran up and down the stairs in the room we were in (the room was made off all dirt by the way), and then we pushed through the wall at the bottom of the stairs, fortunatly the dirt was all really soft so we had no problems there. We burst into the living room of our house, and Mel asked "Where have you guys been?" We told here the whole story, and she just laughed and said "What are you talking about? Bavis didn't die, he's sitting right there (the computer) putting up a blog!" And sure enough, he was. Then I woke up, the end.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

My leg is broken...
Well, not really, I just can't sing, but Bordon once said that a singer without his voice is like a runner with a broken leg. Wise words there, I tell you what.
I'm a Counter Terrorist baby! Take the test and see what you are!

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Being sick sucks. Ok, I'm done whining. Anyway, 'cause summer time is coming near, I would like to do the following:

1. Grill good food.
2. Play out in the rain.
3. Play rock music.
4. Play video games.
5. Ride my board down the hill to the playground where's everything's OK.
6. Enjoy the great outdoors.
7. Have a blazing bonfire.
8. Lay around in my hammock at Maddog's.
9. Build cabins in the woods.
10. Listen to rock music (that would include rock concerts and compact discs).
11. Sit around and do nothing.
12. Play G.I Joes, and have karate matches in the backyard where everything's all right.
13. Enjoy some quality frisbee golf.
14. Get a job.
15. Buy a guitar.
16. Sleep out under the stars.
17. See Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones as many times as I can afford.
18. And I guess I'll hold my breath too. After all, there is no harm in hoping for change.

I would like to add that I am not limited to doing only the afformentioned things, although I doubt I'll do much more then the things on the list.

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Open houses are awesome. Seriously. Free food man, what could be better? Nothing, that's what.

Friday, May 17, 2002

Anyone who actually cares about Maddog had better say your goodbyes, because his life is running short. J/K (That means Just / Kidding) Maddog, I know you're just bitter. ;)

P.S. I saw it again last night!

Thursday, May 16, 2002

I just got back from Attack Of The Clones, and that's almost all I can say. Yes, I know it's three in the morning, but I'm giddy for goodness sakes! I had the shakes coming out of the theater. Seriously, my hands were freaking shaking! Now that I've beaten Resident Evil, and seen Episode 2, all in one week, I can die a happy man. You could walk up to me and shoot me in the face, and I'd be like "Oh well, I can die a happy man". When you see this movie, you will be blown away, whether you like it or not. Go see it. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'm going to bed now, and I'm going to sleep like a child on Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Want to know what I did today? I stood in line, for like an 1 hour and 45 minutes, talking to strangers. It's all worth it though, because at 12:01 am central standard time, I, Peter W. Smith, will be seeing Star Wars Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones! Even though it has one of the dumbest names ever, it could very well be one of the best movies ever. Anyway, I'll be sure to report more tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Well, it's been a long 27 hours in the car this weekend, but it was a good time. I saw Ghoti Hook in Watertown on Rock Thursday. I couldn't convince them to not break up though, all for the best I suppose. I then went home, went to bed, got up the next day, and got ready to go to Watertown again. We went to Watertown, and then ate some absurdly good mexican food, I was almost offended by how good the chips and salsa were. The next day we got up, and got in the car again, and went to Sioux Falls. There we enjoyed some Lance's house, some Gigglebees, some Culvers, and some Savers. On the way back to WT we also had some Perkins. We went home and went to bed. Then we woke up and went to church, went back, packed, and came home. Now don't get me wrong, I had a great time on WT trip #2, but considering we spent 15 hours in the car on the trip, and only did like 4 hours of stuff we couldn't do here, it seems kinda silly. Wait, I'm and idiot, I just realised that I've gone on trips that long for a 2 hour concert... Oh well, either way, it is kinda silly. Oh, and by the way, are you trying to tell me something Maddog?

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Yep, I saw it. Yep, it ruled. I went with the family, which is nice to do sometimes (especially when mom pays for the tickets and snacks). It was exactly what I hoped it would be, it was cast just right, it got the feel of the comic down, it was action packed, it was just awesome! So, if you haven't seen it, go see it. If you have seen it, go see it again. Either way, take me with you! Now, I'm going to go see Ghoti Hook and try to convince them not to break up. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

The world is a dishonest place
The moral sweater that keeps the world all warm and toasty is being taken apart, thread by thread, and soon it will be nothing more then a big mess of cotton/poly blend. Whenever I use any sort of communication tools on the "internet", be it MSN Messenger, the CGR boards, or any online game, I'm assaulted by fabrications of the truth! People say things like "LOL", and "ROFL", which mean lauging out loud, and rolling on the floor lauging... or so I'm told. Sadly, these statements are probably only true .0000001% of the time, because people say "LOL" when something is not even funny, and seriously, if even it were, it's probably not so funny that you're sitting alone at your computer laughing out loud. And if you're rolling on the floor laughing, how did you manage to type "ROFL" to let people know what you're doing? Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest here, and it might be hard for some people to take, so if you want to keep on deceiving yourself, I suggest you stop reading now. For those of you with a hunger for truth only surpassed by your hunger for... food... Here it comes... When someone says "LOL", or "ROFL" they might be... LYING!!! There, I said it! I hope it wasn't to shocking for you. Anyway, thanks for reading, and remember, "the spin stops here".

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I just read an article about video games, and it's good, so you should all read it if you know what's good for you.

If you're like me, and can't get enough of Destroyer saying "Just me, Spike", then drop by his blog for the time of your life.

Monday, May 06, 2002

In reply to Maddog
You're an idiot. ;-) < That means that I'm just joking around with you. I know, I'm not funny.
I just put up a message board if anybody cares to talk about my amazing blogs. The link is all the way at the bottom.
I don't see why people say North Dakota is boring. Why, just yesterday I was maxin' and relaxin' in my hammock, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and 70 degree weather, and now today, I could go sledding! How can people possibly say that's boring?

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Oh, I just remembered, It's my brothers birthday today. Happy birthday Corey!
Well, here I am, sitting at the computer at seven in the morning, putting up a blog, which, wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that I fell asleep four-and-a-half hours ago... All I can say is, I better get a good freaking nap today.

Saturday, May 04, 2002

Top ten things to do instead of prom.
10. Eat some food.
9. Take a nap.
8. Post a blog.
7. Save your money and buy something worth while.
6. Invest in some stock options.
5. Have a bon fire.
4. Watch Joe Dirt.
3. Play video games.
2. Play rock music.
1. Sit around and do nothing.

These things are all far better then wasting time and money because some girl wants an excuse to dress up.

Friday, May 03, 2002

Too much rock.
Well, after playing Resident Evil all week I took a break to go and enjoy some rock music courtesy of AM Radio, Pete Yorn, and weezer! I was able to do this because Adam wasn't able to go, so he gave me his ticket. I'd just like to take a moment and state for the record that he rules. Thanks again Adam. Anyway, aside from the second hand just about everything, I had an awesome time! Weezer definetly brought the rock. And speaking of Weezer, that brings me to my mp3 pick of the week! Weezer has some rock music available on their website that you should listen to. Yes! I remembered this week! Woohoo!

Monday, April 29, 2002

The internet is NOT a well oiled machine.
I wish people would get this, just because you have a fast modem does not mean the internet will work perfectly. Sometimes pages just load slow, and it has nothing to with the fancy shmancy cable modems. We all seemed to live with it just fine when we had 56k modems and whatnot, why can't we deal with it now? Because we're a bunch of whiney babies, that's why, and I'm just as guilty as the rest. Sure it's annoying, but not annoying enough to make someone mad enough to call someone else an idiot for no reason for goodness sakes! However, the things I just mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg my friends. The worst thing of all is when you're trying to enjoy a nice game of Counter Strike, and some guy in dorm somewhere is playing on his precious T3, and all of a sudden his ping skyrockets all the way up to 80, and he procedes to yell at anyone with a ping over 100 for ruining his playing experience, and just when you think it can't get any worse, he gets shot in the head, and then starts yelling that the he either died because of some magical lag, or whoever killed him is a cheater, even though the server has like 2 different cheat protection programs, or maybe even both. People like these need to be screened out of on-line games completely. Maybe we can use some sort of personality test, or have them play a trial game, and hit them with occasional lag spikes, or head shots, and if they throw a fit, the game automatically uninstalls itself or something like that. They need to be stopped.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

My theory is correct!
You see, I had this theory that it would be easier to take a nap and get rested if you don't have to worry about wanting to kill someone when you wake up. Today I got to put that theory to the test, because nobody was at my house except for my dad, and I'm happy to report that my theory is right on! It is in fact much, much easier to fall asleep when you're not thinking about how to get away with murdering your younger brother.

Friday, April 26, 2002

Oh, also, there's alot more stuff at Penny Arcade about this whole thing.
Video games have "no conveyance of ideas, expression, or anything else that could possibly amount to speech"
This is according to Judge Stephen Limbaugh, who yesterday reviewed a whopping FOUR (!) games, and decided that video games have "no conveyance of ideas, expression, or anything else that could possibly amount to speech. The court finds that video games have more in common with board games and sports than they do with motion pictures." That's crap. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Last I checked, games like (here comes the list!) Mortal Kombat, (Oh! That's a new one!) Fear Effect, (using that game as an example is like taking the most sexually explicit movie that's out, and assuming that all movies are just like it.) Doom, (Whoa! Looks like they worked hard to get the latest games, huh.) and finaly The Resident Of Evil Creek (Funny, last I checked, that one doesn't exsist), aren't at the fore-front of the video game industry and it's pathetic that this judge could even think to make a decision based on just four games. So games like Metal Gear Solid (complete with it's anti-nuke diatribes), and all the RPGs ever made are nothing more then fancy board games. That's absurd. you can't possibly compare games like Final Fantasy 7 (with almost more FMV then game play) to Backgammon (does anyone actually know how to play that game??).

Also brought up during the hearing was the school shooting stuff and how the kids involved in those were also involved with video games. Here's a news flash, the video game industry is bigger then the movie industry revenue wise, so the chances that these kids WOULDN'T be involved with video games are slim. That's like blaming football because some kid who liked football got in a fight or something.

Video games cannot influence normal people to shoot other people. If there are people who can be influenced by video games they obviously can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and should probably but put somewhere where they can't hurt anyone, because video games or not, if you're that unstable, you're going to hurt someone, with or without video games. In my opinion, video games probably stop more violence then they cause, I know that for me, they're great for relieving stress. Mad at someone? Instead of beating them up, play them in some good multi-player action!

Well that's it, I'm done. I need to go cool off with some video games.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

My mp3 pick of the week
Well, here it is, I'm going to try to post an mp3 site that I have enjoyed every week... My bet says I'll only last two weeks, but we'll see. Anyway, this week the award goes to The Fine Print. The best song on there is English, or Strawberry Jam, or Gravity Well... Hmm, looks like I'm a little unsure of which is my favorite... Anyway, the band isn't really that amazing, but they do some cool guitar stuff, and it's pretty catchy, even though the quality could be better. On a related topic, the lead singer of this band is "Tycho" from Penny Arcade which is a funny site about video games. There, that's my blog, I'm going to go finish talking to Destroyer on messenger now. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Bloody Tears
I tell you what, video game music freaking rules, I mean, with names like "Bloody Tears", "The Tragic Prince", and "Boss Theme", how can you go wrong? But seriously, if they weren't so darned expensive, I'd be knee deep in video game soundtracks! I wish there were more bands like The Mini Bosses that covered video game songs, in fact I wish I was one of those bands. What games have the best soundtracks you ask? Why the Castlevania games of course! Also pretty much any game by Square has an excellent soundtrack. Well, I'm off to go look at over priced import soundtracks. Bye all.

Monday, April 22, 2002

Last night I saw the show called Space Ghost Coast To Coast, and it did not suck. If you're a fan of things like old cartoon super heroes interviewing celebrities like Ben Stiller, and all the awkward silence you can handle, tune in my friend! It's on The Cartoon Network at 10:30 central standard time on sunday, so do yourself a favor and be there.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

I tell you what, there's nothing like a nice sunday afternoon nap. You just find a nice recliner, lay back, and take a ride to nap city... Yeah... It rules. Especially when you get to wake up an hour later with a headache amd your younger brother making vomiting sounds. I mean seriously, he didn't even have the courtesy to come within my reach so I could kill him! That's just not proper manners. I think there should be a federal law that says you can't be loud on sunday afternoons. You hear that President Bush? If you want to clinch the next election, you better push the nap law!

Friday, April 12, 2002

I just got back from a good time of music at The Light Club, and I tell you what, I really liked the band known as Memory Work! I say that you should all ought to do yourselves a favor and check them out if you get a chance.
Drop by Maddogs blog for a rip snortin' good time.

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

"The master of unlocking"
Well, I saw the movie "Resident Evil" last night because I have a love for the games by the same name that words cannot express. Anyway, the movie was much better then I expected, even though the above quote wasn't included. It did a good job of getting the feel of the games down, I'd recommend it if you like zombies and such. On that note, I also pre-ordered Resident Evil for the Game Cube, and just thinking about it bring tears to my eyes, so I'll be going, I have to go cry now.
Well, here's my blog spot, let's see how long it takes me to forget about it.