One Less Car.
Well, I have one less car. So let's see... 1 - 1 = 0. I think that's right... But I was never good at math. Oh well, life goes on! I suppose you'd like to hear the story, eh? Ok, you can.
I was driving, and I hit a van. Both cars smashed bad. It was nuts. I'm ok though, and Jason was riding with me and he's ok. I just hope the other driver is ok. Pray for him, I think his name is Joseph. He had hip surgery recently, so they took him to the hospital to make sure it was ok... I really hope he's ok. Anyway, I'm gonna be screwed for money, but really, how big is money compared to The Almighty God? Exactly. Eat it satan. If Job could lose everything and handle it, I think I can handle losing a measly car. It's crazy too, I had a bunch of people praying for me before they even knew I was in an accident! I mean, my mom was across the street at Wendy's, and Roberta Smith drove by as it happened. They didn't even know it was me, but they were praying! Crazy huh?
So yeah, lost a car. Kinda sucks, but not big in the grand scheme of things. I still have my soul, and hopefully I'll have new Bleach tomorrow. Everything will be just fine.