Friday, May 20, 2005

It keeps getting stupider.

The big winner.

Yeah, so Andrew is going to be the proud owner of the 9th Xbox 360 in the country. The way this week has been going, I can't imagine the craziness that will go down tomorrow.

Oh, also: We're heading back tomorrow night at midnight, so no more posts until I get back, sorry. Wish me luck.

lately i'm alright

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The unexpected.

I actually got to go... to Star Wars, you idiot.

I know it's more than likely pathetic, but I feel like a chapter of life is done now. Oh well. Peace out.

a page of life, torn out

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Monday, May 16, 2005

Farewell Old Friends.

In a matter of minutes I'll be on my way to LA (too hot) for E3. I bid you farewell. Hopefully I'll come back a new man.

as for me and my countrymen