I was thinking the other day (Yes, it's that time of year), and it occured to me I haven't talked about video games lately (Almost a whole month!), so now, I will.
Super Monkey Ball 2
I grabbed this one a few weeks back when it was on sale. To sum things up, it's twice as good as the original. It's got twice the mini-games, and the old ones are even better than before! Some people don't seem to enjoy the single player mode, (which by the way has one of the most bizzare stories ever) but I like it way better than the first game.
Rating - Fun
No One Lives Forever 2 Demo
I've only played the demo of this one, but I think it's probably the best single player first person shooter since System Shock 2. It's got a really good AI system where enemies act more like real people would, say for instance someone spots you, but you run away and take a left at a fork in the road. The enemy didn't see whether you took a left or right, so instead of magically know where you are, they stop at the fork and get confused. There are a bunch of fun weapons, with everything to swords, to guns, to exploding cats! Not only is this game fun, it's got a great sense of humor too! Alot of times if guards run into eachother in the hall, they'll start talking, and hilarity ensues. Anyway, this game is fun, and I'd like to buy it.
Mmm... I just took a break to enjoy food.
Rating - Tasty
As I was eating I was also watching The Screen Savers on TechTv. I enjoy that show. It almost doesn't seem like a show, because the people on it are having fun, and sometimes things don't go as planned, and hilarity ensues. It's Good.
Phantasy Star Online
This one came out a couple weeks ago, and I wasn't too terribly excited about at first. Don't ask me why, I just wasn't. Then I played it at Tan-Tan's. The next day I played it again. For eight hours. The day after that, I bought it. I enjoy it immensly, there's nothing better than building up characters and getting stuffs.
Rating - Absurdly addicting fun
That's all you get for now, I need more blogging resources for later.