Friday, August 30, 2002

It's a good thing I'm a christian, otherwise I'd probably be questioning the exsistence of good in the universe right now... There is no reason in the whole world that Eminem should've beat The White Stripes for video of the year in the MTV awards. Actually, if I wasn't a christian, I'd probably like Eminem. No, now that I think about it, I didn't like him then either.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

"What's new on The Pistol front?"

That's what people ask me (When I say people I of course mean nobody). I respond to them by saying things like "I really enjoy Howie Day, I got his compact disc for the low low price of 8 bucks!", I also might respond by saying "I'm saving my money to buy a new bass, since I won't be able to play the church's bass for much longer". They then reply by saying "How are you going to buy a bass when you're spending all you money on Howie Day and Coldplay? I respond to that question by punching them in the face.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

One thing people (I) should learn is that things don't always work out just the way you'd like, even if it seems like it would be wrong for them not to work out that way. When things like this happen, people (I) always have to blame something or someone, even if there's nothing to blame. That's another thing, there isn't always something to blame, sometimes things just don't work. Also, sometimes the blame is your own, and this is what people (I) accept the least. I'm not trying to sound smart, this was just something I was thinking about.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Here's an updated list of songs

My Every Battle
Don't Tell Me What I Want To Hear *I think I'll write this next*
My Quiet Life
Don't Stop Until You Win
Quit And Die
November 12th
You Should Have Called
Sundays Are Boring
You're Already Gone (And I Miss You) *Done*
The Lonely Road
Movies Make Me Sad
You're Welcome Here
Sometimes Things Are Bad
I Should Forgive You
Slow Days
Gazing At Fire (And Thinking Of You)
I Didn't Mean To Ruin Things

There ya go, you can try to figure out what they are about, and post your guesses on the messege board if you have nothing better to do.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

School starts tomorrow, how much does that suck? Let me tell you, it sucks alot, that's how much. Somebody needs to invite some sort of ethernet port that goes into our hand, or arm or something, that way we can just download knowledge while we sleep, that would rule.