Monday, September 15, 2003

Animal Crackers.
Well today's been one of those days where I listen to lots of music. Let me fill you in. I started things off by finding "Get Ready To Die" by Andrew W.K. It's a pretty humorous song actually. It's got like the happiest chord progression ever, but it's all about killing. I would've bought his first cd if it weren't for the terrible picture on the front. Then I went to to find some stuff from his new cd "The Wolf" which is an awesome name for a cd.
On the way I was side-tracked by a song from The Strokes' new cd "Room On Fire" (also rad name). It was a good enough song. It had that nice laid back Strokes feel too it, and also a nice little keyboard part that added a lot. We'll see if their new cd is much different than the first though.
So then I read some reviews of "The Wolf" and I guess the word on the street is it's a little slowed down from his first. I listened to a couple songs and the word on the street seems to be right.
I just listened to The Even Anthem e-card, and they were pretty good I guess, but they sounded like a bunch of other bands.
Now I'm listening to the Mono Vs. Stereo sampler e-card. I'll give you the low down track by track.

1. The Even Anthem - "Good Fight, Good Night": I already told you about these guys. Good song title though.
2. The Uriah Omen - "Maybe The Butler Did It": Hardcore with puke screaming. I don't like it one bit.
3. Andy Zipf - "Running Out": Good times, he sounds kinda like Bono. Sounds good, a little like twothirtyeight (RIP). I really like it.
4. Matt Beckler - "In My Head": This is really kinda spacey, it reminds me of something, but I'm not sure what. It's not too bad though.
5. Boywunder - "Reflections That Pale In Comparison": Terrible Scream-core. I couldn't skip it fast enough.
6 The Back Alley Fights - "The Cellar": Cool band name, kinda nice drive to the song. Nothing too special.
7. Matthew Thiessen & The Earthquakes - "Poison Ivy": Awesome band name. Pretty piano music. I love his song writing.
8. House Of Heroes - "Mercedes Baby": These guys rule, I would've picked up their cd at Sunshine, but I'm poor. Check them out. They're good.
9. Embraced - "Saratoga": More screaming hardcore. Don't care. Skip.
10. Showdown - "Vow Of Silence": See previous review.
11. Wellwater - "On Our Way": Not bad. Reminds me of Anberlin a bit, but not as good.
12. Johnny Come Lately - "Carry On": I kinda like it. That's about all I have to say.
13. The Connotations - "We Are Trouble By The Truckloads": A little on the weird side. I can't understand a word the guy is saying. Kinda catchy though. There's a nice piano breakdown.
14. Marcco - "A Beautiful Life": Nice and laid back. Sounds a little like Luna Halo.
15. Colson - "Lately": More screaming, but mixed with singing. It's not bad. Kinda like Blindside.

That's it. My favorites were Andy Zipf, Matt Thiessen & The Earthquakes, and House Of Heroes.

That's all I got. Later.