Friday, November 21, 2003

Grace like a river.

Oh, ok then Destroy. All is forgiven.
There's a plane down here.

That's what I thought at about 8:30 this morning. My dad told me someone was coming to clean the furnace this morning, but I guess I didn't quite know that it meant someone was coming to start a jet engine in my basement.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

By the way...

Buy a Midnight Sun Express shirt. You'll be cooler for it.
A new power has risen

Looks like Destroyer wants a piece of me in the fabled "Blog Wars". You see, his blog says "Mood: Blah". Thing you you don't see however is that he's got a penguin right before "blah"! What are you saying Destroyer? That penguins are blah?! Well take this! My mood: (pretend like there's an actual picture of Destroyer) blah! Yeah, that's right. Try to recover from that one!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003