Friday, June 25, 2004

What could be greater?

Hey whoever reads this,
Rock 30 Games (my place of employment) is having a FREE (!) BBQ this Saturday from 11 am - 2 pm. It's at 115 S. Bell St. which is off of Memorial Highway. If you're heading toward the bridge from Washington, it'll be at the bottom of the hill there on Bell. There's really no reason to pass up free food and some video game playing time too, so I hope you all come.

*Begin unrelated rant*
Why is it that when something bad happens that no one can do anything about, they always say stuff like "I guess all we can do now is pray...", like it's some sort of crappy last resort? I mean, it's not always meant that way, but it seems like a lot of the time it is. Praying isn't some last resort to fall back on when your human answers fail, it should be the basis of everything you do! Prayer should be the first resort, not the last. Praying isn't the least you can do, it's the most you can do!
*End unrelated rant*

Come to the BBQ!

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